Education challenge

Pakistan faces a significant challenge with a high number of children out of school, and this issue is particularly severe within the Christian community. Christians often come from impoverished backgrounds, which limits their access to education. It is rare, rather than common, for Christian students to complete high school. Our mission is to empower the Christian community in Pakistan by providing support for education. Through education and skill development, we aim to help them enter more prominent roles and secure better jobs, ultimately improving their community’s status, advocating for justice, and achieving greater protection and equality in society.
We support children and families by enrolling them in government-recognized schools and providing access to private tutoring programs that assist with homework and schoolwork. For the families and children in our program, we also offer additional livelihood support.

 Financial hardship and hunger increase the likelihood of dropping out of school, so we assist in providing financial aid, food, clothing, and medical care to those families in our program that are in need. This holistic support enables children to continue their education without the barriers that poverty often imposes.

Invite As Speaker

If you want deeper insight into the realities and challenges faced by persecuted Christians in Pakistan, invite Joseph Janssen to speak at your event

Let us bring awareness, inspire action, and provide a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Reach out today to arrange a powerful and impactful session.