Invite as speaker

Invite as speaker

Joseph Janssen has had the honor of being a featured speaker at prominent venues, including the United Nations, the European Union, the U.S. Department of State’s Ministerial, the Italian Senate, the Dutch Parliament, and the United Kingdom’s House of Lords. He has also collaborated with numerous nonprofit organizations globally, joining as a speaker at events dedicated to advocacy and human rights.

Driven by a mission to be a powerful voice for the voiceless, Joseph is committed to ensuring that the stories and struggles of marginalized communities reach those who have the power to make a difference.
Joseph is available as a speaker to share his impactful story, vision, and the projects he leads. His experiences and insights provide a unique perspective on the challenges of pursuing justice and supporting marginalized communities, making his talks both inspiring and deeply informative.

Invite As Speaker

If you want deeper insight into the realities and challenges faced by persecuted Christians in Pakistan, invite Joseph Janssen to speak at your event

Let us bring awareness, inspire action, and provide a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Reach out today to arrange a powerful and impactful session